About The Foundation

The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture (MFJC) promotes Jewish peoplehood by supporting and developing the next generation of scholars and leaders in Jewish communities around the world.

Founded in 1965 by Dr. Nahum Goldmann z”l with German reparation funds, the initial mandate of MFJC was the reconstruction of Jewish cultural life around the world following the Holocaust. It achieved this by identifying and supporting a new generation of scholars, academics, rabbis, educators, and other communal Jewish professionals. Its mission has since broadened and evolved. Today the MFJC is dedicated to the development of the social capital of the Jewish people and the fostering of global Jewish connectedness.

Support MFJC

Help us create a 21st century vision for Jewish culture

Your contribution will enable the MFJC to support for the next generation of Jewish scholars and emerging leaders around the world.

Explore Our Programs

The Mission

Promoting Jewish Connectedness

The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture promotes global Jewish connectedness by supporting the next generation of Jewish scholars and leaders in communities around the world.

Our History

Global Community impact since 1965

Founded in 1965 by Dr. Nahum Goldmann, the MFJC has touched the lives of thousands of Jewish individuals on all six continents and in over 70 countries.

Meet The Board

Our foundation's foundation

Our Board of Trustees consists of member organizations representing Jewish communities on six continents, international and national cultural and communal agencies.

Contact Us

If you would like to learn more about our programs and scholarships, please contact our New York office.

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